Nutritional Support

Malnutrition is a consequence of consumption of dietary nutrient either insufficiently or exclusively by especially children. Malnutrition is a major health problem and is responsible for one-third of all infant and child mortality especially in among the vulnerable children of Uganda.

Children who are severely malnourished are susceptible to impaired cognitive growth and development which consequently affect them later in life as they grow older. Long-term malnutrition among children under five years of age results from poor dietary intake which can adversely lead to dysfunction of the physical and mental health.

The burden of malnutrition commonly occurs within the African and Asian countries of the world. Malnourished children are more likely to suffer from impaired physical and intellectual growth which makes them less productive during adulthood.
Poor school performance, increased school absenteeism, reduced intellectual achievement, delayed cognitive development and increased disease morbidity and mortality are common effects of malnutrition among under-five childre

Malnutrition is caused by several factors such as poor psychological care, neglect of children, child abuse, stress and trauma. For instance, mothers with psychological problems may lack the cognitive abilities to recognize that they need to feed their children, thus increasing the risk of under-nutrition in children.

Mutoti Children Ministry takes part in supporting child nutrition by providing nutrition support to children under our care.