The Bukalagi Parish Schools

Our Lady Queen of Peace Bukalagi Parish is a house to over 30 church founded schools, some of wich are privately managed others aided by government.
Among them is one technical institute, 3 secondary schools, 24 primary schools and 2 nursery schools.
These schools are spread over the 42 out stations (sub parishes) that make up Bukalagi Parish.
Bukalagi is proud of its oldest school St. Aloysius Primary school that was started in 1907 and the parish was started later in 1908; 116 years now.
The other schools are: St Peters Technical Institute, Uganda Martyrs Secondary School, St. Joseph S.S Kalwanga, More schools

Who We Are

These schools emerged in response to the struggles faced by many children in our communities. Our goal is straightforward: to offer these children a sense of optimism for what lies ahead
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To give individual care and direct support to children, ensuring they live with dignity, reach their fullest potential, and actively engage in society.

Why The Vulnerable Children

They, like any other children, also have a life, but in most cases, they are denied a chance to the best education, better health, and the nutrition that they need to grow well. Why not you or me? We together can help.
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The hope that they need

The needy children are the children who are not able to receive the basic needs of life for reasons such as the loss of their parents, family negligence, and so on. One of the biggest challenges in our location is a growing number of orphaned children; because of diseases and poverty in particular. Our country still holds a very big less happy children population per capita of any district in Uganda yet the number is continuing to grow due to lower mortality rate of parents especially men due to diseases and poverty.

Challenges that we still face:

There's always an opportunity to make a difference, and any contribution, regardless of size, can greatly impact the lives of these children. Even a one-dollar donation can go a long way in providing food for those in need. The time to act is now. Let's come together and build a brighter future for these children. Join us in supporting the schools through your generous donations. Together, we can make a lasting difference in their lives. Take Action Today
Together we can be the future for them

Volunteer with us

The number of vulnerable children keeps growing day after day. Our desire is that children. It is our desire that we close this desperacy- we strive as we concentrate on the helpless little ones. As the number is too large and it keeps growing. We can't handle it without support from people of good hearts- no matter where the hope comes from.
We wish to work with a wide range of volunteering organizations and personal volunteers around the world; to help all these children are now connected to the right people who can help them.

Areas you can volunteer in:

Interested in volunteering? Please write to us



Many people in the rural areas cannot access safe clean water. Water is obtained from very dirty wells from which animals too drink. So it is very easy for people to get waterborne diseases. Work hard to help the rural communities in Uganda prevent tragic illness and untimely death for generations to come! Help provide clean water!
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Through this program, we take care of the vulnerable from their places of residence by providing them with the basic needs of life. We call upon funders and volunteers to bring food, material support, and encouragement to chronically ill, homebound patients who are too sick to fend for themselves.


Educate a child today, save them from a life of working in the streets, and give them a future. We are taught one of the most important things in life is to receive an education. Unfortunately, many Ugandan children have never even heard of school.

With your support, we can put these projects into existence; we can help these children have a better life! Their needs are key.

Additionally, Bukalagi Parish School plays a significant role in our efforts to provide education and support to vulnerable children.